Organize and Maintain your Contacts, Customers, Prospects and more...
Every person, place or business you interact with is important! Maintaining accurate and up-to-date information will become invaluable for future follow-ups and potential new business opportunities.
The GoMaxCRM provides convenient fields for all of the core pieces of information. You can easily create Tasks / ToDo's, save Notes of information, or upload Attachments / Documents for each of your contacts. When you need to reference any of this information at a later date, it's only a click or two away.
Full contact profiles
From address, phone, email addresses and more, the GoMaxCRM allows you to save all the important information in our intuitive Contact Relational Management (CRM) sytem. Easily organize your contacts into customized categories to simply marketing efforts.
Task / To-Do scheduling with Reminders & Auto-Recurring
Easily create Tasks or To-Do's that are linked to your Contacts / Clients with automatic reminders sent to your email or smartphone. Whether it is a call reminder, or a more important task that needs to be done at any point in the future, the GoMaxCRM Tasking system is always there to help you out.
Contact Notes with note attachments
The GoMaxCRM streamlines maintaining Notes each time you communicate with any of your contacts or clients. Whether you just want to keep a call log going, or keep a record of actions or services performed - the Notes system simplifies it all.
Contact Documents / File Storage
Sometimes you may have supporting documents or files that you would like to save for future reference on your contacts or clients. The GoMaxCRM simplifies this process and allows you to save a virtually unlimited number of documents for each contact.